At your service Mastic Asphalt

Widely considered to be one of the most reliable waterproofing systems, mastic asphalt is ideal for tanking and for many it’s often the first choice for waterproofing beneath green roof installations due to its long and proven track record in the market. The material also boasts an exceptional reputation for reliability and durability and, due to its high mineral count, it’s virtually incombustible. These qualities make mastic asphalt ideal for repairing listed buildings; the material can often be found in Georgian terraces, stately homes, and cathedrals. Another attractive quality is that it can quickly and efficiently waterproof a structure allowing other trades on site within hours. In addition, in the unlikely event that the material becomes damaged, it can be repaired quickly and easily.

Key Benefit

  • Exceptional reputation for reliability and durability
  • Excellent waterproofer
  • Doesn’t degrade or deform
  • Easily and quickly installed and repaired

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